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What can life insurance be used for?

What can life insurance be used for?
Life insurance can be pictured as a safety net to provide financial security for loved ones after the policyholder's death, and that's 100 percent right! But how exactly can it help?

In this article, we've gathered the most popular options for how your future beneficiaries can utilize the life insurance benefit they receive one day.

Income Replacement

Firstly, life insurance can provide dependents with a replacement for the income they are losing when the policyholder passes. After receiving the benefit, beneficiaries can maintain their standard of living and meet financial obligations. 

They can use it for:

  • Mortgage or rent payments
  • Education expenses, such as tuition fees
  • Utility bills and other regular expenses
  • Healthcare costs
  • Transportation expenses
  • Groceries and daily necessities
  • Household maintenance

Your life insurance benefit can become a valuable resource for your dependents. It can help you provide people you care about with stability and security during challenging times.

Debt Settlement

If you have unpaid debts, you may worry about how your family will pay them off after your passing. Life insurance offers a simple solution — the benefit can cover mortgages, personal loans, and credit card balances.

A unique feature of life insurance, especially useful when you have debts, is that the benefits are usually paid out quickly. Other financial assets may be held up in probate, leaving your family desperate to find sources for covering the debts. Your life insurance benefit, on the other hand, can expedite the debt settlement process and bring relief to your loved ones.

Education Funding

Beneficiaries can use life insurance benefits to fund education expenses. Here are some popular ways it can be utilized:

  • Replacing lost income to ensure educational goals remain attainable.
  • Covering tuition fees and related expenses. That can be textbooks, school supplies, and extracurricular activities.
  • Supplementing college savings if the policy has the cash value accumulation feature.
  • Protecting college savings plans from financial impact by naming the plan as beneficiary. This ensures funds are available to fulfill educational goals.
  • Ensuring children can pursue their education without interruption.

Life insurance can secure funding for your children's education, which often means much more than just covering tuition or campus expenses. It's about helping them achieve their dreams and paving a smoother path in life for them.

Estate Planning

With life insurance, you can transfer assets to your heirs seamlessly. It helps greatly with estate taxes, probate fees, and other expenses accompanying settling the estate you left them. Your policy benefit can pay all of that off almost immediately — and your beneficiaries will not have to liquidate other valuable assets to cover those costs.

This way, you allow your heirs to retain ownership of estate assets with no impact on their ongoing financial goals.

Business Continuity

In the event of the death of a key person or business owner, their beneficiaries can use life insurance benefits for business continuity. Here are some possible options:

  • Buy-sell agreements between business partners.
    The surviving partner can buy out the deceased partner's share of the business. 
  • Buying out family members' shares.
    Or, if family members were not involved in the business, the benefit can be used to provide an inheritance for them. 
  • Covering ongoing operating expenses.
    That can include payroll, rent, utilities, and other overhead costs during a transitional period. With the help of these funds, business can run smoothly while a long-term solution is implemented.
  • Settling any outstanding debts or loans.
    The benefit can cover almost any debts and help keep the business running.

Retirement Support

Life insurance benefits can be particularly beneficial if the primary breadwinner passes away before or during retirement. They can help surviving spouses or dependents maintain their standard of living.

Also, if your policy has a cash value accumulation option, it can serve as a supplemental source of retirement income. Policyholders can access this cash value tax-free through withdrawals or loans. That provides additional funds to supplement retirement savings or pensions.

Charitable Giving

Life insurance simplifies charitable giving, enabling individuals to support causes they care about. They can create a meaningful difference in their community and beyond.

      Here's how:

A policyholder can name a charity as a beneficiary on their life insurance policy. When they pass away, the charity receives the proceeds to support its mission. Alternatively, one can donate an existing policy to a charity. This allows the charity to keep the policy or to cash it in for immediate funds.

Another option is establishing a charitable trust funded by a life insurance policy, with the charity as the beneficiary. This gives individuals control over how their donation is used and may provide tax benefits.

Through these means, life insurance helps to leave a lasting legacy by making a significant charitable contribution.

Final Expenses

Last but not least, your life insurance benefit can be a great way to pay for your funeral. Plan how you want it to happen, learn approximate prices, assign a person who will receive the benefit and set everything exactly as you want it to happen — and get complete peace of mind about the arrangements. 

This way, your family or other heirs will not have to worry about funding the funeral while grieving.

Important to know

Life insurance benefits are typically tax-free for beneficiaries, maximizing the amount of money they receive. This tax advantage ensures that the benefit amount goes directly to those who need it most.

To conclude

Life insurance is a versatile financial tool that goes beyond traditional risk mitigation. By using it for various purposes, from debt settlement to retirement support, individuals can enhance their financial strategies and find greater peace of mind. Knowing ways to use life insurance can help you make informed decisions that match your long-term goals and priorities. 

If you want a broader consultation about using life insurance in financial planning, contact our licensed advisors. They can find an individually adjusted life insurance plan tailored to your circumstances.

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